2020-04-20 09:38:57 教师考试网 https://sc.huatu.com/jiaoshi/ 加备考QQ群 热 加微信领资料 领 APP模考刷题 爆 文章来源:四川华图
1. Dozens of people plunged into dead streets, _______ to find themselves trapped by crashing buildings.
A. surprisingB. to surpriseC. surprisedD. having been surprised
2. Hearing the news, Bob rushed out, _______ the book lying open on the table and _______ into the distance.
A. left; disappearingB. leaving; disappeared
C. having left; disappearingD. to leave; disappeared
3. _______ in the rain, he was wet to skin.
A. To be caughtB. CatchingC. Having caughtD. Caught
4. If you don’t study English all the time, you’ll have a difficult time _______ it in the future.
A. studiedB. studyingC. to studyingD. be studying
5. _______ my homework, I went to the library.
A. Having finishedB. Have finishedC. FinishingD. To finish
6. The room needs _______.
A. to cleanB. cleaningC. being cleanedD. clean
7. Our teacher often advises us _______ the habit of making notes while reading.
A. to developB. developC. to developingD. developing
8. _______ those cotton shirts _______ will take much more time.
A. Wash; by handB. To wash; by hands
C. Wash; with handsD. Washing; by hand
9. When you leave, please turn off the light _______ energy.
A. saveB. savingC. savedD.to save
10. I got to the office earlier that day, _____________ the 7:30 train from Paddington.
A. caughtB. having caught
C. to have caughtD. to catch
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