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2017-09-14 09:28:30 银行金融考试网 加备考QQ群 加微信领资料 APP模考刷题 文章来源:四川华图





  Two related paradoxes also emerge from the same basic conception of the aesthetic experience. The first was given extended consideration by Hegel, who argued roughly as follows: our sensuous attention and that gives to the work of art its peculiar individuality. Because it addresses itself to our sensory appreciation, the work of art is essentially concrete, to be understood by an act of perception rather than by a process of discursive thought.

  At the same time, our understanding of the work of art is in part intellectual; we seek in it a conceptual content, which it presents to us in the form of an idea. One purpose of critical interpretation is to expound this idea in discursive form-to give the equivalent of the content of the work of art in another, nonsensuous idiom. But criticism can never succeed in this task, for, by separating the content from the particular form, it abolishes its individuality. The content presented then ceases to be the exact content of that work of art. In losing its individuality, the content loses its aesthetic reality; it thus ceases to be a reason for attending to the particular work and that first attracted our critical attention. It cannot be this that we saw in the original work and that explained its power over us.

  For this content, displayed in the discursive idiom of the critical intellect, is no more than a husk, a discarded relic of a meaning that eluded us in the act of seizing it. If the content is to be the true object of aesthetic interest, it must remain wedded to its individuality: it cannot be detached from its “sensuous embodiment” without being detached from itself. Content is, therefore, inseparable from form and form in turn inseparable from content. (It is the form that it is only by virtue of the content that it embodies.)

  Hegel’s argument is the archetype of many, all aimed at showing that it is both necessary to distinguish form from content and also impossible to do so. This paradox may be resolved by rejecting either of its premises, but, as with Kant’s antinomy, neither premise seems dispensable. To suppose that content and form are inseparable is, in effect, to dismiss both ideas as illusory, since no two works of art can then share either a content or a form-the form being definitive of each work’s individuality.

  In this case, no one could ever justify his interest in a work of art by reference to its meaning. The intensity of aesthetic interest becomes a puzzling, and ultimately inexplicable, feature of our mental life. If, on the other hand, we insist that content and form are separable, we shall never be able to find, through a study of content, the reason for attending to the particular work of art that intrigues us. Every work of art stands proxy for its paraphrase. An impassable gap then opens between aesthetic experience and its ground, and the claim that aesthetic experience is intrinsically valuable is thrown in doubt.


  1. Hegel argued that ____.

  A.it is our sensuous appreciation that gives peculiar individuality to the work of art

  B.it is the content of the work of art that holds our attention

  C.the work of art cannot be understood without a process of logical thinking

  D.the form of the work of art is what our sensuous appreciation concentrates on

  2. It can be inferred from this passage that _____.

  A.the paradox that it is both necessary to distinguish form content and also impossible to do so cannot be resolved by rejecting its premises

  B.both content and form of the work of art are illusory

  C.the content and form of the work of art are separable

  D.aesthetic experience is not intrinsically valuable

  3. Which of the following is NOT what Hegel believed?

  A.The content and form of the work of art cannot be separated from each other.

  B.The content of the work of art is always the true object of aesthetic interest.

  C.The content presented without any individuality is not the content of the work of art.

  D.The content understood by means of a process of discursive thought is no more than a husk.

  4. Premises that are related to each other seems to be dispensable because_____.

  A.Kant thinks they are indispensable

  B.either of them can resolve the paradox

  C.the premises are separated

  D.the premises can account for the theory

  5. This passage is mainly about_____.

  A.the sensuous appreciation of art

  B.the basic conception of the aesthetic experience

  C.how to appreciate the work of art

  D.the relationship between form and content of the work of art


  1. D【解析】本题的答案线索可以在第一段的最后一句话中找到。A项应该是sensuous attention. B项没有提到,C项正是黑格尔所反对的。

  2. A【解析】根据第四段的内容,康德对开始两句话的否定,表明对两个前提中的一个予以否定是不可能的,这与A项的内容相符合。

  3. B【解析】本项可以根据第二段中的内容得到答案,第二句话开始人们试图对艺术品找到一个实在东西表达其含义,但是失败了。所以B项的内容是错误的。

  4. B【解析】因为二者对解决这个paradox没有作用,所以他们是可有可无的。

  5. D【解析】通读全文即可知道,主要是黑格尔对艺术的内容和形式之间的关系进行的论述。所以正确答案为D。


  2017银行社会招聘公告汇总 2018银行秋招备考书籍推荐








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