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2017-07-13 09:43:40 银行金融考试网 https://sc.huatu.com/xys/ 文章来源:四川华图


  37. What does the author refer to by "distracted doctoring"?( )

  A.The disservice done by modem devices to doctors, nurses, as well as patients.

  B.The tendency of medical institutions encouraging the use of modem devices.

  C.The problem of devices preventing doctors from focusing on their patients.

  D.The phenomenon of medical staff attending to personal affairs while working.

  38. What does Dr. Peter Papadakos worry about?( )

  A.Medical students are not adequately trained to use modem technology.

  B.Doctor's interaction with their devices may endanger patients' lives.

  C.Doctors are relying too heavily on modem electronic technology.

  D.Pressures on the medical profession may become overwhelming.

  39. Why do doctors feel increasing pressure to use modem devices?( )

  A.Patients trust doctors who use modern technology.

  B.Use of modem devices adds to hospitals' revenues.

  C.Data is given too much importance in patient care.

  D.Patients' data has to be revised from time to time.

  40. What is Peter Carmel's advice to doctors?( )

  A.They follow closely the advances in medical science.

  B.They focus their attention on the patient's condition.

  C.They observe hospital rules and regulations.

  D.They make the best use of modem devices.

  Passage 5

  Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.

  I have closely watched my generation, known as The Millennials, for 29 years now. Joel Stein wrote an extensive piece on Millennials and he remains rather optimistic about our potential.

  I hesitate to share his optimism because of a paradox (矛盾的现象) we seem to exhibit, namely, that there are more avenues for us to entertain ourselves than ever before, yet we are more bored than ever before.

  Entertainment has never been more varied. We have more cable channels, television shows, and movies than ever before. Intemet providers allow instant viewing of almost any movie or television program ever created. Social drinking and partying are also widely available for Millennials. Every generation develops these habits at a certain age, but Millennials seem to be extending this phase of life as they postpone marriage.

  Some of this is undoubtedly due to The Great Recession. Millennials are having a difficult time finding jobs; only 47 percent of 16-to-24-year-olds are employed, the smallest share since government started recording data in 1948.

  But do Millennials respond to these economic troubles by doing whatever it takes to make ends meet? Hardly. In fact, of the four generations Pew Research has data for, the Millennial generation does not cite work ethic (勤奋工作) as distinctive of itself. Millennials want to save the world, but they sit and wait for that world-changing opportunity to be handed to them. Instead of working 2-3 jobs,

  launching a business, or doing what it takes to succeed, they retreat. Millennials may be the first generation to have a lower standard of living than their parents, but with this response to adversity (逆境), perhaps deservingly so.

  Much ink has been spilled in management books discussing how to get the most out of these youths in the workplace. Largely, they come to the same conclusion: Millennials are entitled, over-confident, and expect too much too quickly. We should not be surprised. Today's young adults were raised by parents who made sure to boost their self-esteem at every turn, telling them they could achieve whatever they set their minds to, and handing out prizes for the sixth place.

  41. What does the author of the passage think of Millennials?( )

  A.They show little interest in entertainment.

  B.They are not confident about their ability.

  C.They enjoy an easy life due to high technology.

  D.They may not have bright prospects for success.(更多见下一页)

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